Tuesday, August 10, 2010

NT Insider journal | Issue for July / Aug

Hello there .
Always articles, journals, papers & anything related to learning stuff from Osronline impressed me.
Fairly to say,the greatest resource for learning & discussion about Windows Driver Development, helpful tips about general system programming stuff on windows platform is Osronline .

They released the new version of their journal about windows driver development tips .
Topics discussed in this new journal are the following :
  • Undocumented DFS & RDR Interactions
  • Peter Pontificates: Pros & Cons of Agile SW Development Methodology
  • Virtual Storport Tweaks
  • Debugger Extensions: Short Term Effort, Long Term Gain
  • The Isolation Driver (Part I)
  • A Primer on Signature Checks in Windows
  • Implementing Reader/Writer Locks in User-Mode
  • Analyst’s Perspective: Debug Smarter
  • WDK Community Bug Bash Contest 2010
So if you like it, you can grab a copy from here .
Hope to be useful & full of new tips you didn't see before .

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