Saturday, July 24, 2010

24 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them

Always new books in the field of security impressed me .
I was away from popular security materials due to huge amount of work on ring0 Development .
Anyone knows Kernel mode development & such a like stuff are somewhat arid but in my opinion these-like materials are powerful & essential for anyone who is in Reverse community .

While searching new books, My friend suggested me a Book with title "24 deadly sins of software security, programming flaws & how to fix them" .

First I thought I have already this book, I asked & get no as answer .
The book I had was 19 deadly ... , along with my friend's suggestion I found the book & had a review .
the books is valuable to read .
topics are updated & obvious,

take a look at the following description :
Fully updated to cover the latest security issues, 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security reveals the most common design and coding errors and explains how to fix each one-or better yet, avoid them from the start. Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, who teach Microsoft employees and the world how to secure code, have partnered again with John Viega, who uncovered the original 19 deadly programming sins. They have completely revised the book to address the most recent vulnerabilities and have added five brand-new sins. This practical guide covers all platforms, languages, and types of applications. Eliminate these security flaws from your code :
# SQL injection
# Web server- and client-related vulnerabilities
# Use of magic URLs, predictable cookies, and hidden form fields
# Buffer overruns
# Format string problems
# Integer overflows
# C++ catastrophes
# Insecure exception handling
# Command injection
# Failure to handle errors
# Information leakage
# Race conditions
# Poor usability
# Not updating easily
# Executing code with too much privilege
# Failure to protect stored data
# Insecure mobile code
# Use of weak password-based systems
# Weak random numbers
# Using cryptography incorrectly
# Failing to protect network traffic
# Improper use of PKI
# Trusting network name resolution

so if you are interested in this book, get it from this link .

Friday, July 16, 2010

Implicit Detection of Hidden Processes with a Feather-Weight Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machine Monitor

Process hiding is a commonly used stealth technique which facilitates the evasion from the detection by anti-malware programs. In this paper, we propose a new approach called Aries to implicitly detect the hidden processes. Aries introduces a novel feather-weight hardware-assisted virtual machine monitor (VMM) to obtain the True Process List (TPL). Compared to existing VMM-based approaches, Aries offers three distinct advantages: dynamic OS migration, implicit introspection of TPL and non-bypassable interfaces for exposing TPL. Unlike typical VMMs, Aries can dynamically migrate a booted OS on it. By tracking the low-level interactions between the OS and the memory management structures, Aries is decoupled with the explicit OS implementation information which is subvertable for the privileged malware. Our functionality evaluation shows Aries can detect more process-hiding malware than existing detectors while the performance evaluation shows desktop-oriented workloads achieve 95.2% of native speed on average.

Download from here.

On-Access Scanning [ Anti-Virus Methods ]

You would be know what's in my mind now.
On-Access scanning is a method for Anti-Virus softwares which is a filter Driver for scanning the files available on the disk at Run-Time .
Here's a sample I have been included for learning how to do it, it's also available in Standard windows driver development kit .

if you would like more information about how to write such a like scanners then let me know & I will write up an entry for that, it's as simple as request in comment section.

be safe .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

There's no patch for XP machines after today !

Read this post, last patches that are available for Microsoft Windows XP .
Good bye windows Xp ;) .

Stealing login details with a Google Chrome extension

Recently you would be aware of Andreas Grech's Work on Google Chrome Extension for stealing login details from any website .
The actual post has detailed explanation about how his PoC's working & how to manipulate the browser by accessing to DOM through JavaScript & HTML .
He's work is great, however, he just demonstrated it for Google chrome, however it's worth & working for all browsers, not only for google chrome .
His post could be seen in various news websites like slashdot, it's valuable to follow his PoC & learn things that he mentioned, regardless of the oldness of his work, but it's valuable in case of awareness the people who is hasty to enter personal information to login to desired website without considering the security measures .

Start Blogging

Hello people.
This is the official blog for Red Cell Labs, an international group for Secure Business Computing.
Our purposes are summarized in the following :

  • Provide secure Business solutions for software developers, encourage them to secure their code
  • Provide secure softwares which could be helpful in detecting malicious codes
  • Provide information about daily internet threats, how to protect yourself from them
  • Provide informative articles & source codes for Kernel Mode Development on windows machines
And many things that you will see while time is going .